Could you say something about God, Nukunu?
Could you say something about God, Nukunu?
For many people the word God has a very negative connotation. This is because religion has been used throughout history for the justification of war, repression and terror. Many millions have killed in the name of God and religion, and today the word God is associated with negative feelings in many people in the secularised world.
But the God I will talk about here is not that God. I will to talk about the word God as the mystics know it.
First of all God is neither male nor female! It is not a personal God that has a name. Instead God is everything we can experience, and everything can be called God.
We can talk about the two aspects of God: God as “appearances” and God as the “ultimate” truth”. God appears as all that can be experienced within and without. We can call it manifestation – thoughts, feelings and everything that can be perceived. In the West it is called it creation. In the Eastern mystic traditions they use the word Maya, which means something like a veil; a veil over the truth.
Appearances are impermanent. If we look deeper into them without labels and concepts, if we just experience our experiences, they disappear and are seen as the Truth or God. Very, very few people know this, because they cannot drop their labels and concepts. But the Truth – God – cannot be known through our thinking mind. Instead it is a matter of the Heart. The mind knows through separation. There is a “me”; a subject knowing the object. There is duality, separation! The heart knows through intimacy. For the Heart there is no separation. That is why the Truth, or God, is realised through the Heart.
So we can say the divine has two aspects: Appearance and Truth.
You can come to realise the Divine in two ways. One way is to inquiry into the apparent and you will wake up being one with the divine. This is much used meditation and inquiries. The other way is direct surrender to the Divine. In my own case this was a process in four steps. The first step was to say “I just want to merge with you my Beloved and I have no conditions for that”. The second was “I don’t know how to do this; I have tried and tried without any success. The third was “I give it all over to you to accomplish this, my deepest wish. I surrender everything to you”. Finally I said “From now on I will see everything as your grace”. This type of surrender will bring a seeker into here and now in every moment of life; and the truth can only be realized in the here and now. If you want, you can also work in this way and I do wish you good luck.