What is a high teaching Nukunu?
A high teaching helps us to realise that ultimately there is no “me” and there is no “you”.
All content of the thinking mind is devoid of any separate nature. Life, as we experience it, is “the dance of the Beloved.” In Ancient India life was often called a “leela” – a play. I really love this expression! It is the Divine that plays all the parts in the play, and even our doubts and disbeliefs are the expressions of this “leela”. Only The Divine exists.
It could also be said that, “The magician is hidden in the magic”. In the East they call the creation we experience through thinking and experiences, “Maya”— the veil. To realise this truth we must go beyond the apparent; beyond what we experience through our thinking mind and our senses. So how can we go beyond the apparent? We can do this by seeing that everything is impermanent.
All of our experiences can be compared with the optical illusion of a circle made of light. If we take a candle and rotate it very fast, it looks as if we are seeing a solid circle of light. But in reality there is no circle with an independent existence.
We must stop here and now and ask “What is the “me” that experiences the object through feelings, perceptions and thoughts?” When we do this we will not find any “me”. We can also inquire, “What is the object?”. Is there really a solid object or is it just a label that gives us the illusion that there is an object? When we are living in words, labels and concepts we don´t experience life directly, and this is the reason we don´t see through the apparent.
In the Western world today and in the modern East, we are brought up with the understanding that both “me” and what I experience are real. Moreover, the “me” is also separate from what is experienced. We live a life of labels, concepts and beliefs, and it is all ideas and mental gymnastics.
The truth cannot be realised through thinking, but we can be the truth!