What is an easy way to know oneself Nukunu?
What is an easy way to know oneself Nukunu?
There are so many ways, and they are all about going beyond duality”. One that I like very much is found in this ancient Buddhist saying. “What you find here, you will find there”.
You can say this inside yourself and feel what it does to you. We usually believe that we come to something new when we move from one experience to another. Yes, apparently this is true if we take the apparent to be the truth. It is a little like when we move from one dream to the next – what is it that is real in the dream? The dreamer! It is the same with our experiences; they are impermanent and fleeting, but not really there if we look deeply. But very few people look deeply into their experiences – instead they take them to be real.
If we want to understand this Buddhist saying, we have to come into the heart and experience life from the there. This means to be intimate with life, and then we will see that life opens up. It is our thinking mind that constantly is creating separation and duality. This duality makes us see an apparent substantiality where there actually is no solidity at all. It is because the mind divides an experience into a subject – a “me”, and an object. But when we live from the heart, the heart merges with the experience and knows the impermanence of that which it merges with. The heart knows the true nature of all experiences – they are all itself. The heart knows that only the observer is real, and that reality is the same essential nature in all things.
Just feel your heart and say “What I find here, I find there!” and stay in the heart. Then you may suddenly feel, “I am free”! No experience really touches me! Or we can rather say that the experience becomes illusive, and then we will feel free. At the same time we will feel solidity, but that solidity is not coming from the experience. No it is what you are! It is your own true nature! You are that real, solid stuff which everything is made of.