Summer course in Gilleleje
We will have a Summer camp again in July 01.- 05. in Gilleleje.
We can accommodate 7 people inside and many on tenting. There are also B/B near by.
The price is 550 DKK/day including food/accommodation. If you join the all 5 days, then the total price is 2500 DKK.
Update: Suriya Sacha and Irene will join us again this summer with Bajans and Fire Seremony.
“The rascal Ego hides in the content of the mind that is called “identification”. An experience arising and we believe we are it. A body sensation arises and immediately we believe “I am the body”, a negative feeling arises and we feel bad and a positive feeling arises and we feel good. This is pain because it is not true. The Ego is like a worm crawling from one hole (identification) to the next hole (next identification). If we could stay aware in the gab when the worm has left one hole before it is lost in the next hole, we could wake up; we will see that there actually is no worm (no Ego). We don’t see it because we believe our self to be a “worm” and we don’t look.” (Nukunu)
I love the summer course because it is an opportunity to be light hearted, share our love with other people and allowing the truth to shine through.
That which we are looking for in all our searching for happiness, love, freedom, etc. is already present and waiting for being recognized, but we are not looking for it where it is! We believe it is a state of mind, a feeling or knowledge. But it is not a feeling, it is “that which feels,” It is not knowledge; it is “that which knows!”
The Natural State – our true nature is realized when we relax into this very moment. In a deep letting go of all our ideas and believes – in just being what we are! Not what we think we are – it reveals itself in a blinking of an eye….
During the summer course you will learn ways to come in touch with this open secret in the stillness of the heart through:
- Dance.
- Psychic Readings.
- Inner man/Inner woman.
- Chakra Transformation.
- Dharmadoors and Satsangs
- Meditation.
It can happen any moment just a little tickling the right place and you are out of the jail.