Summer Camp in Gilleleije, Denmark
Come join the dance.
The summer retreat will be focused on Dharmatalks and Satsangs with Nukunu, Prem Shanti, Purusha and Calle. There will also be small workshops, meeting with friends and mindfulness. The retreat place, Matter of The Heart, is surrounded by fantastic nature near the sea and forrest. You can bring clothes for swimming and sunbathing. Good walking shoes is also good to have with you.
The minimum stay is two days.
The program:
- We will have morning meditation from 08.00 until 09.00.
- Dharmatalk will happen at 10.00
- Satsangs from 16.3+ until around 18.00.
- At night we will have some program or evening mediation from 19.30
In the program we will also have sharings, meditations by the sea based on self inquiry, powerful bhajans with Premo, workshops around relating and dancing.
There will be served very nice vegetarian food.
Massage session will be offered.
500 DK inkl. food.
Details about accommodation option will come later.
Signup deadline
Please sign up by July 1st. as we can only hold a limited number of poeple.