New Non Dual Therapist Training START (updated!)
Welcome to a new start of the NDT training. This is an opportunity to learn techniques that you can use and share as a NDT therapist.
September 6th – 9th
Book before the 9th of August!
You can stay over night from 5th to 6th of Sept. as well. (100.- incl. food)
- 6 – 9 September
- 11 – 14 October
- 6 – 9 December
- 19 – 22 April 2019
- 7- 10 June 2019
Listen to Nukunu talking about NDT: [player id=1668]
About NDT: It is not about trying to change things.
It is about not being changed by anything.
The Non-Dual-Therapy training is a training that goes beyond normal therapy. We will use therapeutic techniques to unravel and relax the fight in the mind. As the mind starts relaxing we will work with Dharma Doors (powerful techniques that can lead to glimpses of real inner freedom) to move back into the Source – to who we really are. We will also work a lot with mindfulness and meditation.
Non dual therapy is based on the fact that the one experiencing and the experienced are both expressions of the essential nature of consciousness. They are in reality not two. So in Non-Dual Therapy, we go beyond this false separation by realizing our true identity as consciousness.
“Don’t mistake the weather for the sky”
When we live identified with the subject (the separated me) we suffer tremendously. One of the criterions for living our true nature is no-suffering. You go beyond psychological suffering by realizing who you are (consciousness itself).
The aim of this training is to have a direct experience of who you are. You will then see that who you really are is not touched by the different experiences that make up your life. That is why spiritual liberation is true freedom.
This training is not only an opportunity to work deeply and intensely with your own issues and eventually see the world from a different perspective, but it also trains you to work with people using the techniques you will learn.
- Primal work, early life decisions and imprints.
- Relating, Gestalt Therapy.
- Power image, shadow sides, projections and Introjections.
- Voice dialogue.
- Rapport building and counselling from the heart.
- Psychic readings- subtle energy reading in the body
- Working with death and unfinished business.
- Dharma Doors and meditation.
- Different forms of inquiry into who we are.
You will also do active sharing with other participants in the group. This is an intimate process based on trust and is very supportive and freeing. You will also be put into Home Groups where you meet outside the training to work on each other and also practice techniques that you have learned.
At the end of the training you will receive a certificate containing the disciplines and techniques you have learned.
Please note:
By signing up for the training you commit yourself to pay for all 5 meetings unless something else is arranged with Nukunu.