Buddha Psychology II (third part)

Hopefully we can meet physically, but it might happen thru skype.

Advanced Training in Non-Dual Therapy

“All sorrow is created by desiring- striving for something 
that is already present in you” 

This is an invitation for former participants in Non-Dual Therapy 1 to build on what they have learned in the first part. The training is also open to people who have worked intensively with therapy and meditation but you should write Nukunu a letter first about your background and we will tell you if you can join.

In the first part we have put a great emphasis on therapy with the purpose of relaxing the struggles in the mind. We have also understood the purpose of working with impermanence and overcoming separation and duality.

Now with the maturity acquired, it is time to go more directly to the core of the matter. When we have worked with the main obstruction that clouds the mind it is easier to leave the periphery of the Everyday Mind and go directly to realise the Nature of Mind.

In part II we will put a lot of emphasis on working with Koans and participants will also learn to work with Koans (a word from Zen Buddhism). Koans are questions which when answered makes the person answering become the answer. There is no conventional answer to a koan but working on the koan brings you directly into your Natural State- Buddhahood. Koans are eminent to help this movement back to source.

Throughout my years of teaching, I have witnessed that many people have experienced glimpses of awakening or have come into clarity when doing this process.
We will also work on Psychic Reading: the ability to make a psychological/Spiritual diagnosis from a psychic reading. By reading the chakras and the male/female we can sense and see how much the “Buddha quality” has been exposed and integrated in a person and what is in the way for former growth of the psyche.
We will also work more deeply on the great art of listening and counselling from the heart.

We will learn to work with Open Group Work. Using the members of the group to help mirroring and facilitating insights and breaking psychological limitations. Many of our problems where created in relation with other people- parents, lovers, friends, teachers so they should also be re-solved with other people. Techniques and ways to do that are among others Psychodrama and Family Constellations.

During the training we will explore a wider range of dharmadoors more deeply. I will talk over and we will practise the following Dharmadoors. You will also be able to buy them on CDs if you wish.

  1. Put your attention on awareness
  2. I am that
  3. Holding on to nothing, holding nothing away
  4. Say yes to your yes and yes to your no
  5. Impermanence
  6. Awareness
  7. Acceptance
  8. Concentration
  9. Looking without looking
  10. Love
  11. Desires
  12. The centre of the cyclone
  13. Double attentiveness
  14. Take it into the heart
  15. Experience oneness with everything
  16. Don’t take it personal
  17. Look with your heart
  18. Pierce through
  19. Enter every form and realise the formless
  20. Associated Inquiry
  21. Self-Inquiry
  22. What will I have to feel and experience to be present
  23. Cutting the crap
  24. Experiencing oneness with every moment
  25. Every experience is a function of our true essence

The training has three parts. First part is November, 21.-24., March 2020, 26.-29. and May 21.-24.
Total price for all the meetings 12.000, price is incl. food/acc.
Deadline for booking is November 08.