Be Still and Know

Candulim, Goa

If we don’t know who we are life is totally meaningless. It is just like a passing desperate restless dream, without meaning full of suffering and agony. Waking up which just take ½ second we realize that we are absolute free. And we may say “Gosh that was what I was looking for all the time. Did not know it was so easy, “I just had to be still! for a moment”.
To come to know who we are is not a doing, it is a deep relaxation – so deep that you don’t even care to think one thought. It is ultimate laxness. It is your being we need to invite into presence, that is only possible when you are still, here and now. It is very easy to think. Judge, conceptualize and label but to just be still for a blinking of an eye is very difficult. Because it is not something you can do! If you do it, it still thinking. We can invite it and this is what this 10 days silent retreat is about.
There will be Yoga on the beach every morning wit on hour 07. – 08. Breakfast 08.-10.00, after that Nukunu give a dharmatalk not to inform you about anything but to make you guiet.Then we have sitting and a few Inquiries this will last to 1300. After a long lunch break 13.00 to 14.00 we have sitting and Satsang. Dinner from 18.00- 19.00 Bhajan and Gayatri.