The Zen Satori Experience
Realizing the Inescapable
This weekend is inspired by Zen Buddhism and is aiming at giving you a glimpse of the Truth.
Satori comes from Zen Buddhism and it means ”A glimpse of Truth” or a moment of awakening. In The Zen Satori Experience we work with “koans” which is also a word that comes from Zen. A koan is a question that cannot be answered intellectually. The question can only be “answered” by becoming the Answer. Working on the koans takes you directly into that which you have never got and can never loose – your own innermost reality. With other words, if you can answer the question you will not really understand anything intellectually but you will know!
In the famous Diamond Sutra of Buddha says:
I realized absolutely nothing”
It is such a wonderful statement because it is so clear. First Enlightenment is not something that can be compared, if it was, it would be of the mind. And everything in the mind is concepts that can be discussed and relative states that can be compared. Your innermost reality is a no-mind reality. It is a dimension beyond what the mind can grasp. So when Buddha says “I realized absolutely nothing” it means the “no-mind” – a “no-thing”.
Over the years I have discovered many ways to invite us to realize – realign – with our true nature. We can never lose our true nature but we can be unaware of it. This unawareness is pain and no matter if we know it or not we are always trying to reach it in our constant attempt to be happy and fulfilled.
Working with koans is a direct way that helps you to identify as Source here and now this very moment.