Satsangs and whole days via SKYPE

To be in Satsang is to be reminded about something that we already know, but for some reason have forgotten. It is to come into resonance with our true being. When this resonance has matured, the same being looses its sense of privacy, and is seen to permeate all of experience. That is unconditional freedom.

We need to work via Skype these days. Some days we will also open for you to come to Gillelejie. Contact Nukunu for  details.

Call on this Skype nr, “Nukunu Larsen” (picture of me with red clothes).

and I connect with you.

Whole day – two sessions, morning 10.00 afternoon 15.00.

  • May 31st.
  • June 21st.

Satsangday – Satsang at 19.00

  • June 2nd.
  • June 16th.
  • June 25th.


Individual session if you want
You can always have individual sessions on skype. If so mail me at

See you! – Nukunu
(More will come as we see how the Coronas behave.)


Whole day 600.- live / on Skype 400.-

Satsang 150.- live / on Skype 100.-

Here is how to pay