NDT module 4 – Counseling
Starts: 16-04-2025 Ends: 20-04-2025
Where?: Matter of the Heart Center, Gilleleije, Denmark
In Non-Dual Psychology the starting point is that man is already whole. It is not something that has to be created. It is there as our very essence, and this essence is the Buddha – our natural state and our enlightenment. Man is born in oneness with the divine wholeness and he doesn’t need to be changed to come back to it.
On a regular basis I give longer trainings in Non-Dual Therapy. This is an opportunity to learn techniques that you can use and share as a Non Dual Therapist. This training is usually given as a series of retreats.
Here is an audio with Nukunu explaing more about the NDT and the non-dual
The program
The Non-dual therapist training will have 5 training sessions of 4 days each. All events start at 17.00 the first day.
Each meeting is 3.500.- Danish Kroner including food and accommodation.
You will receive a certificate if you do all 5 parts.
The parts of this training are:
- Primal and early life decisions (October 2nd.- 6th. 2024)
- Relationships (December 4th.- 8th. 2024)
- Love and death (January 15th. – 19th. 2025)
- Counseling (April 16th. – 20th. 2025)
- Buddha Psychology (June 5th – 9th. 2025)
If you want to do the training then Sign up in good time.
Dead line for signing up
Deadline for signing up is September 9th . And remember you commit your self for the whole training unless you have other agreements with Nukunu.
SIGN UP BY E-MAIL: nukunu.youarethat@gmail.com
You pay a deposit of 3.500.- DKK upon signing up for the training this deposit will be payment for our last meeting. (Discount: You can pay for each part or for the whole training in one go you will then have a discount of 2.000.-)